Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Cover Reveal: Sweet Potato Jones by Jen Lowry

Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Sweet Potato Jones by Jen Lowry
presented by Swoon Romance!
Be on the lookout for this upcoming title, and be sure to enter the giveaway at the end of the post!
What do you think of the cover?

Title: Sweet Potato Jones 
Author: Jen Lowry
Publication Date: September 10, 2019
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Kids daydream about things they don’t have and places they’ve never been. But seventeen-year-old Sweet Potato Jones doesn’t have the luxury of such indulgences. For the past ten years, she’s been focused on raising her three younger siblings. Sweet Potato never wanted anything for herself. Just a roof their heads, someplace safe to live, food, and clothing. She never dared dream of anything more.

The family finally catches a break when they meet Mrs. Sunshine Patterson, the Bible-quoting, gospel-singing owner of the Soul Food Restaurant. But Sweet Potato has never accepted charity from anyone, and she isn’t about to start now. And that sweet, Southern boy making eyes at her? He can keep that, even if he is Mrs. Sunshine’s son.

Family, faith, and loyalty will be tested in this spirited contemporary Young Adult fiction title from Dr. Jen Lowry.

Jen Lowry is North Carolina born and raised, still holding on to that country slang that is unique to the small town of Maxton she loves so much in Robeson County. She an avid enthusiast of all things horror, UFC, and binge watches old episodes of Quantum Leap. She finds herself comfier in a pair of pajamas and would make all public appearances in them if she could get away with it. When she isn’t literacy coaching, life coaching, or homeschooling her two fabulous boys, she can be found napping or singing loudly, probably napping. Jen has her doctorate degree in Christian Ministry and is a member of Raleigh First Assembly. Check out Jen’s official author sites all over the net from podcasts, YouTube (Everyday Mom Challenge), Instagram, and more by searching up Jen Lowry Writes or follow her on @jenlowrywrites. Contact Jen for special author appearances and teaching opportunities or stay up to date with her journey at



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