Today we have the release blitz for THE DARE by J. Beck & C. Hallman! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today!
Author: J.L. Beck & C. Hallman
Genre: Contemporary Romance
He was more than my bully, he was what living nightmares were made of…“I dare you…” It started as a childish game played between two friends, that ended in heartbreak.
I knew him once.
A long time ago you may have even called us friends.
That was before I moved away, before my mother married his father, before my entire life fell apart.
I lost everything, my friends, my popularity, my future.
This was supposed to be my fresh start… my last chance at new… but it wasn't it was real life hell.
Vance Preston used to be a poor boy with a soft smile and kind eyes.
He used to be my friend.
Now he's God’s gift to women (his words not mine), disgustingly handsome, and filthy rich.
He can do whatever he wants, say whatever he wants, and hurt whomever he wants.
No one can stop him, and no one dares too.
He might as well be god.
And his newest target: me.
He dares me to defy him.
He dares me to fight back.
He promises he won’t stop…
….not until he hurts me, not until he breaks me.
But I’m not afraid, because you can’t break something that’s already broken.
**This is book two in the North Woods University Series. It can be read as a complete standalone and contains NO cliffhanger, NO cheating, and includes a HEA. Please be advised this series contains material not suitable for all readers. This is NOT a YA series.**
Grab your Copy Today:

Disclaimer: This review MAY contain spoilers. I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from the publisher and/or author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
This duo of authors has such a knack for creating stories that capture your attention straight from the beginning. This is the second book that I have read from these co-authors and I am liking the current trend.
What this book boasts, as did the first book in this series, is characters that imprint on you immediately. These characters are so realistic and flawed that you can't help but feel a special connection with them throughout the entire book. I love how the remnants of their lives after childhood misfortune dictate their actions and feelings as the story progresses. These actions and feelings create such tension and they really drive the plot. I loved Ava from the very beginning and I really sympathized with her. She was strong despite going through such harsh realities as a teenager and then having no one in her corner. I also sympathized with Vance. I could really understand his motivations and feelings. He went through as much heartache as Ava because of what happened in their childhood and because of lies that surface about what happened. I liked that Vance was human and made mistakes because of his emotions and also that he tried to make up for his mistakes once things become clear to him.
I liked getting a small glimpse of Jules, Remington, and Sebastian. I would have liked to see more of them though. They are in a few scenes, which I enjoyed. I would honestly *love* for Sebastian to get his own book in the North Woods University world.
The plot of this book was one that kept me reading. I wanted to know what had happened in Ava and Vance's past, the thing that is the root of all the happenings in the story, from the first chapter. I liked how the authors were able to add suspense into the writing to really make the reader latch on and want to know all the details. As far as the plot goes, it isn't one that is highly inventive, but it was definitely written well. The characters had a lot to do with the addictiveness of the plot. Family drama is always good for catapulting plots, in my opinion. Everyone always wants to know the dirty gossip and it plays out well in this story.
Overall, this is another slam-dunk read by this co-authoring duo. I am absolutely invested in their books now. I am eager for the next book in this series and I will definitely be trying more of their backlist titles. If you are a fan of bully romances then you shouldn't hesitate to read this one. It has strong characters, a plot that drives the story, and a romance that you can't help but root for.

Staggering backwards like I’m drunk I harden my gaze, “Entertain me con-artist, show me another use for that pretty mouth of yours, besides spouting off lies.”
“I hate you,” She spits through gritted teeth, the lustful haze diminishing in her eyes.
I hate myself too.
For wanting you.
For hating you.
For being stuck in this stupid house with you.
“Come on, we ain’t got all night…” I tisk, impatiently.
I’m so caught up in taunting her, in feeling the lick of hate her presence brings me that I don’t notice the slap coming towards my cheek until it’s too late. Her hand makes contact with my cheek, and my head flies to the side with the impact of the blow.
My jaw turns to steel and my temper ignites. I’m reacting before I even get a chance to stop myself. Reaching for her, my fingers curl around her throat, my hold is surprisingly gentle for the amount of bitterness flowing through my veins. Ava’s reaction to me is petrified fear and she starts to tremble when I lean into her face, giving her delicate throat a firm squeeze.
“If you’re going to put your hands on someone then you better be prepared for them to put their hands on you.”
“Don’t…” She croaks.
“What? Hurt you?” I tilt my head to the side, eyeing her heart shaped face. “I could never hurt you like you hurt me, you’ve done enough of that for the both of us. I’m merely trying to show you a sliver, a fraction of the pain you made me feel.” Feeling as if I’m seconds away from crashing and burning I release her, and take a step back. Then I turn to walk away. I’m done. Done with this cat and mouse game.

J.L. Beck & C. Hallman are two ladies with a love for coffee, books, and the bad boys who live inside them.
They’re a dynamic duo who love writing all genres of romance, from erotica, to suspense. To date they’ve written ten books together and don’t plan to stop any time soon.
When they aren’t writing you can find them making jokes, discussing their next book, arguing over cover photos, and of course drinking more coffee.
They’re humble, and truly blessed to have found such amazing readers.
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