Title: Fire Falling
Series: Air Awakens #2
Series: Air Awakens #2
Publisher: Silver Wing Press
Published: November 19, 2015
Pages: 378
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy
Source: Kindle Unlimited

Vhalla Yarl marches to war as property of the Solaris Empire. The Emperor counts on her to bring victory, the Senate counts on her death, and the only thing Vhalla can count on is the fight of her life. As she grapples with the ghosts of her past, new challenges in the present threaten to shatter the remnants of her fragile sanity. Will she maintain her humanity? Or will she truly become the Empire’s monster?
Disclaimer: This review MAY contain SPOILERS.Holy Mother, I was unprepared for how much this book affects me. I first read this book in July 2016 and rereading it brought me to my knees. I am such a mess right now, and rightly so. This series is something special.
The romance, oh my god, the romance!! Elise Kova can write a love story better than Aphrodite herself. She is so gifted in creating relationships in her books. (Not only romantic ones either.) The slow-burn romance in this book is all-consuming. The chemistry, backstory of the characters, and the way the characters come together is so tantalizing that your heart will want to beat out of your chest. And it just might. The romance is so well written that it will stay with you long after you've put the book down.
I absolutely love the character progression in this book. The characters are figuring things out and trying to find their place. The relationships that are forming and growing between the many characters are so incredible and written masterfully. The reader cares about each relationship created in this story, and for various reasons. The relationships are meaningful and written with purpose.
I truly love the plot of this book in the series. I love how it progresses the romance in the story and also sets other things in motion for the rest of the story. While the romance is a big part of this series, it does not dominate or control the story. Things are happening outside of the romance, but the romance is blending into the plot seamlessly.
The world is definitely expanded upon in this book. I love how very real everything in this book feels. Kova is skilled in making the reader feel like they are inside the story living alongside these characters.
While this is my second time reading this book, I have no doubt that I will read this story again and again. These characters will lodge themselves into your heart and you won't be able to let them go. I recommend this series to all young adult fantasy fans! My excitement for Vortex Visions, the first book in the Air Awakens: Vortex Chronicles series, is palpable. I can't wait to revisit this amazing world with new characters and a new story.
My original review is here.
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