Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a different question for book bloggers to ponder over.
This week's topic is:

In fantasy reads, pretty much any trope that you can think of that has to do with royalty is game for me. I love it all! The more complex the better. I am not as crazy about contemporary books with royalty though for some reason. I think it is that it doesn't come off realistic enough to me.

I love the friends to lovers trope in all genres. I love that it pulls from emotions that are already in place. It always makes for a good story.

What's better than friends to lovers? That's right, enemies to lovers! I love all that angst. It gets my blood pumping. This is another trope that I like in all genres.

Love triangles are my jam. I love all the possibilities and the stories that stem from this trope. Granted, I only like this trope when it is written well. If it's all insta-love and not based on anything real then I can't stand it.

I love rebellions in books. The little guy fighting the man. I love this trope in fantasy, science fiction, and dystopian stories.

I am a sucker for characters with abilities. Magical powers, mutations, or just really skilled in fighting or a trade. Give me all the characters with special powers, please!

I adore the fake relationship trope because the stories are almost always entertaining. There are all sorts of possibilities when two people are pushed together in an intimate situation.

I love sports romances. I have no idea why, but I always love reading these.

I always find the strong heroine strop inspiring and refreshing. Let's ditch the damsel in distress trope!

This year I have really gotten into bully romances. I don't know what it is about them that I love, but I do. It's probably all the angst and sexual tension.

Which tropes are some of your favorites to read? Are there any that you can't stand? Feel free to leave the link to your Top Ten Tuesday post!
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