Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Indie Love Read-a-Thon

I just saw that Cornerfolds is going to be hosting a read-a-thon dedicated to indie titles! I am so stoked about this! I am an avid supporter of indie authors. The majority of the books that I read are from independently published authors. I have actually found that some of my absolute favorite authors ever are indie authors that I decided to take a chance on. 

I am going to be taking part in this read-a-thon starting September 1st. This read-a-thon will run from Sunday, September 1st at 12:00 am (your time zone) through Tuesday, September 10th at 11:59 pm (your time zone). There will be ways to participate and a Rafflecopter as well. Find more information here. Cheers!


  1. Yay!! Welcome to the challenge! I'm so glad to have you participating!



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