Title: Tactical Heart
Author: S.K. Rose
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: August 22, 2019

My name is Scarlett Mavis. I have a sweet tooth, no filters, and video games are my life.
Let me clarify that last part: They’re not a hobby; they’re not a way to kill the time; They. Are. My. LIFE.
Where family, men, and humans, in general, have failed me, video games are always there waiting for me to return to their warm and accepting embrace.
In real life I may be a heartbroken geek, but put a controller in my hands and I become an indestructible warrior.
What else does a girl really need?
Enter player two, Kane Decker.
Handsome, nerdy, incredible kisser, and just my type. Our first date was perfect in every way.
Then, like always, reality came crashing down with one simple truth.
He wasn’t my teammate; he was the enemy. And there’s nothing I’m better at than taking out a rival player.
But this isn’t a game, and the stakes are all too real.
For the first time in my life, I may have met my match.
Game on.
Red Hatter Book Blog - “OMG. TATICAL HEART IS AMAZING! I laughed so hard throughout this entire story.”
Cali Gals - “WTH?! I am dying here. This book is SO FLIPPING GOOD!”
Naughty Librarian Blog - “S.K. Rose hit it out the fucking park with her first ROMCOM”

Disclaimer: This review MAY contain spoilers. I received an Advance Reader Copy at no cost from the publisher/author. All opinions in my review are my own.
My precious nerdy heart is rejoicing in all things about this book! I read the synopsis for this book and I was immediately game. Pun definitely intended, of course. =P If I am being honest, there really aren't that many books our there that cater to the nerdy part of the spectrum. There are countless sports romances, small-town romances, and the list could go on. But have you ever thought about nerd romance as a genre? All I can say is that I would gobble them all up. It was definitely refreshing to get a taste of something familiar to me that I can identify with on a personal level.
I loved these characters. Scarlett has such a spitfire personality that I totally connected with. I saw a lot of myself in her. That sassy girl always put a smile on my face. Kane is a very determined and focused character. I really loved all of the side characters in this book and all of their relationships and chemistry. The author did a fantastic job of meshing them all together so well to create an amazing dynamic.
Touching on the romance just a bit, I have to say that Scarlett and Kane have incredible chemistry. And honestly, how can they not? They are passionate about the same things and it oozes out of them and bleeds into their combined love bubble. When you share something like that with someone it really makes the feeling that much more intense. Quite simply, these two are perfect for each other.
While this is a fun book, it also has a lot of emotions packed in as well. There are many concepts that are explored in this book like being true to yourself and finding those people that are just as weird as you because those are your friends, your people.
I felt the conflict in the book was fairly light, but it worked for the story. There was enough tension to really keep things moving. The characters have to overcome their circumstances in the wake of the feelings that they have for each other and see where it lands them in the end. I loved the journey.
Overall, this is not your typical love story but in all the best ways. This book is an adorable, humorous, witty, and absolutely fun to read that I definitely couldn't put down. If you are a nerd then I definitely recommend picking this one up. And if you're not a nerd then you may just want to be if you read this. Apart from all the nerdery, it's a great love story that non-nerds will enjoy as well. This is a book that will win over your heart.

S.K. Rose lives in the hellish desert of Arizona with her newly appointed husband and two obnoxious cats. When she’s not writing, Rose enjoys reading, gaming, swearing like a drunk sailor, collecting swords, and obsessing over the magnificent sea creature: the octopus. Remember the Reaper is her debut series with many more to come.
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