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Thursday’s goals were: Finish A Throne of Ruin (Deliciously Dark Fairytales #2) by K.F. Breene. ❌
Currently reading: Opal (Lux #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Throne of Ruin (Deliciously Dark Fairytales #2) by K.F. Breene
Pages read today: 43
Time spent reading today: 1 hour 5 minutes
Books completed today: 0
Pages read so far: 310
Time spent reading so far: 6 hours 3 minutes
Books completed so far: 0
Tuesday’s notes: I have been keeping up my goal of reading a little bit (at least) every day but I really have been dragging my feet. Granted, real life has been kicking my butt lately. My kids have literally had four doctor appointments just this week that have drained me. Plus I keep having these headaches. I am definitely going to have to go to the doctor myself if they don't clear up. I am used to getting migraines but it has been a while since I've had any bad migraines I seem to have turned into a wimp. But headaches are really one of the only things that can keep me from reading when I otherwise would be doing so. I didn't finish A Throne of Ruin today but I definitely think that I can finish it tomorrow. So I guess I'll end on that high note today.

How was your fourth day of the Bout of Books readathon? How many books have you completed so far?
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