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Saturday’s goals were: Finish Opal (Lux #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout. ✔
Currently reading: About to start Phase of Fate (Phase Mountain Pack #1) by Coralee June and another book in the Lux series. I haven't decided if I am going to start listening to Origin (Lux #4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout or if I am going to read Oblivion II (Lux #2.5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I kind of skipped Oblivion II and went on to Opal because I was listening to the audiobook and I only have Oblivion on my kindle app. So I guess we'll see if I give in and start Origin's audiobook or go back and read the second Oblivion.
Pages read today: 137
Time spent reading today: 2 hours 38 minutes
Books completed today: 1
Pages read so far: 528
Time spent reading so far: 10 hours 43 minutes
Books completed so far: 2
Saturday’s notes: I am so happy that I met my goal for today. And I know that I have been a sad sally all week and complained about feeling bad but I did feel much better today and got some more read than on previous days. I still had quite a busy day since it was my youngest son's birthday party today but I am satisfied with my progress today. It is always rewarding to finish a book. I don't have any specific reading goals in mind for tomorrow so I will probably just finish out my day reading as much as I can.

How was your sixth day of the Bout of Books readathon? With one day left of the challenge are you close to reaching your goals for the readathon?
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