This challenge is a little different from most reading challenges. This challenge consists of making resolutions geared towards your reading and writing goals for the new year. You can sign up for this challenge here.
~ Improve Netgalley ratio by ten percent.
~ Complete Goodreads Challenge for 2019.
~ Read at least 60 Backlist titles.
~ Read at least 40 Indie/Self Published titles.
~ Participate in NaNoWriMo in 2019.
~ Complete storyboard for one writing WIP.
~ Complete first draft of one writing WIP.
~ Read at least 12 new-to-me book series.
~ Finish at least three book series that I have already started.
~ Read at least two classics.
Rules for this challenge:
- Challenge runs January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019. You can join at any time.
- Sign-up is between December 11, 2018 to February 28, 2019.
- Create between 3 or more resolutions related to books/book blogging/writing.
- You can have as many resolutions are you would like. There is no limit.
- Goals must have longevity since this is a yearly challenge. Pick a goal that will take you no less than 4 months to complete.
Do you have any reading resolutions for 2019? I'd love to hear them! Do you ever feel overwhelmed with your reading resolutions/goals?
Good luck with all of your goals! My NetGalley ratio is pitiful so going to work on that as well as my Goodreads challenge. Here's to a great 2019!