Monday, September 16, 2019

Cover Reveal: Too Good at Goodbyes by RC Boldt

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Title: Too Good at Goodbyes
Author: RC Boldt
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publishing date: October 29, 2019
Cover designer: Cover Me Darling
Photographer: Rafa G Catala


In heartache, we’re never truly alone.
But even as I stand in front of thousands of screaming fans, I feel isolated.
With a multi-million-dollar recording contract, a sold-out world tour, and more money in the bank than I ever imagined, this life is a dream come true.
I should be on top of the world.
Except there’s always a flip side.
Every time I hit a milestone in my career, my personal life suffers.
First Top 40 hit at age seventeen? My first tabloid breakup scandal quickly followed.
Earned my first Grammy? Discovered Mommy Dearest was embezzling my money.
Landed a leading role in a movie? My fiancé called off our engagement the next day.
I thought Kane would be different.
I thought he’d be the one man to stand by my side, undaunted by the fame and attention that trails me.
Yet here I am, attempting to piece together a heart he’s shattered into a multitude of tiny fragments.
I’ve practically bled out my emotions and let them puddle to form lyrics from deep within me. At least in music, my fans always relate to the songs written from my soul’s breath.
But without him, every whispered syllable takes another piece of my heart. And soon, I’ll have nothing left at all.
A stand-alone, contemporary romance.


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RC Boldt enjoys long walks on the beach, running, reading, people watching, and singing karaoke. If you're in the mood for some killer homemade mojitos, can't recall the lyrics to a particular 80's song, or just need to hang around a nonconformist who will do almost anything for a laugh, she's your girl. 

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