Series: Air Awakens #5
Author: Elise Kova
Publisher: Silver Wing Press
Publication Date: July 12, 2016
Pages: 400
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Source: Won ebook from the author in contest
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Long live Solaris.
One bloodthirsty ruler has been overthrown by another, casting the shadow of death over the Solaris Empire. Vhalla Yarl stands upon the stage of fate, prepared to do battle one final time. Fragile alliances will be tested and new bonds will be formed as the world is reshaped. She fights as the champion of peace, but when the night is darkest will she be able to pay the price of a new dawn?
Be warned that this review may contain spoilers.
I just can't believe that it's over. This series has captured my heart, and now that it is finished I just feel like I don't know what to do with myself. I don't want this to end. But all great things, no matter how great they are, have to come to an end.
This final book in the Air Awakens series is very dark. It holds a different feel entirely from any of the other books in the series. There is true horror happening to all
The execution of this story has been outstanding. Each book carries such a significance, and they are woven to create such an intense story that solidifies with your very soul. The story is written in such a way that it gets down deep into every part of you. I applaud Elise Kova for her storytelling prowess. I only expect things to get better from here. I am so excited for her new upcoming series that I can hardly contain it!
One of the most amazing things in Crystal Crowned is Vhalla's transformation. She grows exponentially within the short time frame of the story. It is so very inspiring. The closeness of the main characters is so moving.
Vhalla's struggle and downward spiral at the end of the book was painful to experience with her. It was written is such a way that I really felt for her. She overcomes things beautifully by not letting the villain gouge her completely. I especially liked that she had so have some help along the way. And I think that the person that supplied the help was very fitting.
I thought that the critical and suspenseful fight scene at the end of the book was a little anticlimactic, but not entirely disappointing. I anticipated what Vhalla was going to do before the scene occurred, and I really thought that her actions were fitting of the circumstances. The villain's death just didn't seem monumental enough to me.
The ending of the book was quite satisfying. I loved what became of the Emperor and Empress in the Epilogue. My heart just swelled for them. I have to admit my sadness at the subtle realization of Daniel's fate. It isn't said in so many words, but it is apparent. I loved Daniel's character and his final moments in this series was heartbreaking for me. I am still struggling with it.
What I loved most about this series was how all of the books came together as one story. So much planning and so many details made this series shine.
If you haven't experienced this series then you are missing out on something truly incredible. This story is captivating. It won't release its hold on you, even after the last page.
Long live Solaris!

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