Title: The Surrendered
Series: N/A
Author: Case Maynard
Publisher: Blaze Publishing
Publication Date: September 20, 2016
Pages: 240
Genres: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopia
Source: ARC
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After a financial collapse devastates the United States, the new government imposes a tax on the nation’s most valuable resource—the children.
Surrendered at age ten—after her parents could no longer afford her exorbitant fees—Vee Delancourt has spent six hard years at the Mills, alongside her twin, Oliver. With just a year to freedom, they do what they can to stay off the Master’s radar. But when Vee discovers unspeakable things happening to the younger girls in service, she has no choice but to take a stand—a decision that lands her on the run and outside the fence for the first time since the System robbed her of her liberty.
Vee knows the Master will stop at nothing to prove he holds ultimate authority over the Surrendered. But when he makes a threat that goes beyond what even she considers possible, she accepts the aid of an unlikely group of allies. Problem is, with opposing factions gunning for the one thing that might save them all, Vee must find a way to turn oppression and desperation into hope and determination—or risk failing all the children and the brother she left behind.
I received this book for free from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This book was fantastic! It is a very compelling dystopian that will make you think about so many issues. While reading this I kept putting myself in the shoes of some of the characters. I felt very connected to the story. This book felt very real.
I very much enjoyed the main character, Vee. She is very bold, and a little headstrong. I admired her unwavering love for her brother, and her will to help others. I also liked Cason. He lost so much in his life, and his pain shaped him into what he is. I thought the romance between Vee and Cason could have been built upon more, but overall it was sweet and to the point. I loved how they came together in the book. Ramsey was a character that I felt so much for. I honestly didn't care for her fate in the book, but I have to admit that it works.
This book will give you an emotional overload. There is just so much going on and so much to feel. This is a dystopian book, so there is going to be a lot of struggle and a lot of misfortune. Some of the topics touched upon in this book are going to make your heart ache. Ramsey was one of the characters that made me feel a tremendous amount of love and sympathy for.
I love how the author is not afraid to touch upon some tender subjects in this book such as child abuse and child sexual abuse. While it was evident in the story, it wasn't overly elaborated upon. I think that it should have been just ever so slightly.
The world building is quite good. I think that there could have been more specifics and details about the world as a whole, but the author did a great job of making me feel like I was there. The dystopian world created was very realistic.
The plot has some twists in it that I didn't see coming, which I totally appreciate. There is nothing I hate more than an overly predictable plot.
When I reached the end of this book, I couldn't help but think that this story would make a great series. The ending left some things open for interpretation, and I think that the author could write more to this story. If more books were to follow this one, I would be first in line!
Overall, I am totally impressed by this book! The world building could be improved on, and I would have liked a more final conclusion to some of the characters and the world as a whole, but I adored this book! If you are a dystopian fan or a fan of strong female protagonists, then I definitely recommend this one!
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