Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a different question for book bloggers to ponder over.
This week's topic was BOOKS I’D GLADLY THROW INTO THE OCEAN but I'm a lover, not a fighter. I haven't truly hated a book enough to want to toss it into the ocean. I am pretty good at picking books that I know I will probably enjoy. So I decided to go with this topic instead:
*Series links to Goodreads.*
This is an adult romance series that was absolutely incredible! It follows a set of twins, a girl and a boy, and it starts out in high school. The first book tells Remy's love story and the second book tells Dylan's love story. These two had a difficult and traumatic childhood and the stories reflect some serious issues and emotions. The storytelling in this series is spectacular and the character development is astounding. I fell in love with this author's writing right away.
This was a YA fantasy duet that captured my heart from the start. I was blown away by the inventive and unique world-building in this series. I adored these characters and the compelling plot. I was also rooting for the main characters in their love story.
This is another adult romance series that I devoured. In this series, the main characters start out as childhood friends. The way that the author crafted this story was simply genius. The character development in this series was off the charts incredible! This is a series that will stick to your bones.
Yes, I know that technically this isn't a duology anymore since Leigh Bardugo announced that she plans to write another book in this series. But there is no third book yet so I am including it! There isn't much to say about this series that hasn't already been said, in all honesty. I adore Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse and I am such trash for it. The world that she has created is imprinted on my soul. I really can't wait for the television show to premiere on Netflix this month! Out of all the YA book series that I coerced my husband into letting me read to him, this series is one that he actually enjoyed.
This is an adult romance series with impeccable writing. I was new to this author when I picked up the first book in this series and I became an instant fan. The writing and characters really drew me into the story straight away. This author tells very emotional stories and I am so here for whatever she writes next!
*Listed as the Blinded Love series on Amazon and the Shattered Love series on Goodreads.*
This is technically not a duology but the first two books follow the same storyline with the same main characters while the third book follows a secondary character from the first two books. This is one of my all-time favorite contemporary romance series! I was introduced to this author through her paranormal saga which includes the Darkness series, the Collector series, the Lightness series. Those books became instant favorites and I knew that I would read whatever this author released, regardless of genre. I wasn't fully prepared for the emotional rollercoaster that the Blinded Love series would take me on. It is simply brilliant and is a series that I have reread several times.
Okay, you got me. This isn't really a duology. The Book Worm Crush is technically a spinoff book from The Replacement Crush but I am counting it as a duology anyway. The Book Worm Crush follows secondary characters from The Replacement Crush. Both books are set in the same world with the same set of characters. Each book follows a different lead character. Both of these books were amazing and I think that they deserve much more recognition.
I thought that the first book in this series was very creative. I was drawn in by the characters and the world and I really need to read the second book!
The first book in this series rocked my socks off! I was totally blown away. No Prince was a very character-driven story and I was so attached to this group of characters. The storytelling was so high-quality. I am really looking forward to reading No Good.
I really enjoyed this unique little fantasy story. I loved the world-building and the group of characters that we meet in the first book. I loved the character and story development. I can't wait until I am in a YA fantasy kind of mood so that I can finish this series.
Again, technically this isn't a duology but the first two books in this series follow the same characters and storyline. The subsequent books in this series have different lead characters. This author is one of my favorite mature young adult authors. Her stories are always compelling and the characters always stand out. I'm excited to read the rest of this series.
I know that a lot of people didn't like this book series. I read the first book and I remember having some mixed feelings about it, but overall I enjoyed it. I remember it being slow in parts and confusing in parts but I also remember being compelled to find out what happens to the main characters. I read Carve the Mark when it first came out so I have to honestly say that I don't remember much about what actually happens in the story. But the feeling that the book impressed upon me is still alive and kicking. I still want to finish this series but I will definitely have to reread the first book before I start The Fates Divide. That's probably the reason why I still haven't read the second book yet. I will probably end up putting this on my audiobook TBR so I can listen to the series while doing some multi-tasking.
The first book in this series really impressed me. I had never read anything from this author prior to picking up Do You Dare? so I didn't really have any expectations going into the story. I really fell in love with the incredible character development and the compelling plot. I was so invested in these characters that I literally could not pull myself away from this book until I finished it. The second book in this series was initially delayed for quite a while so it kind of ended up on the backburner. The author eventually did a surprise release of the second book but I think I'd like to reread the first book before I start I Dare You.
Well, that was 13 duologies/duets instead of 10, but the more the merrier, right?

What are some of your favorite duologies and duets? Do you prefer to read longer or shorter series or do you fancy standalones best? Feel free to leave the link to your Top Ten Tuesday post!
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