Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Animals From Books


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a different question for book bloggers to ponder over. 

This week's topic is: 


🢚 Sprig from The Collector series and the Lightness saga by Stacey Marie Brown

Sprig is one of the most interesting characters that I have come across. He is a little hard to define and I don't want to impart spoilers, but he is essentially a sprite (fae) in the body of a small monkey. Sprig is probably one of my all-time favorite secondary characters ever. He provides the absolute best comic relief and he will have you laughing out loud quite literally. 

🢚 Zwi from the Steel & Stone series by Annette Marie
(Also seen in the Spell Weaver series.)

I love this character so much that I named one of my cats after her. Zwi is a dragonet, which is a small cat-sized dragon familiar. Dragonets can bond with draconians, a humanoid dragon-like race, and draconians can share their magic with their bonded dragonet. When they are bonded they have a telepathic link and the draconian's magic can allow the dragonet to grow in size to roughly the size of a horse. Zwi is bonded to Ashtaroth, or Ash, who is one of the main characters in this series.

🢚 Hoshi from The Guild Codex: Spellbound series by Annette Marie

Hoshi is a sylph that becomes the familiar of Tori, the main character in the series. Hoshi can't speak but she and Tori have a special bond. Hoshi is also very loyal. 

🢚 Shiro from the Red Winter trilogy by Annette Marie

Shiro is a mischievous little white fox yokai that befriends Emi, the main character in the series. I literally can't say any more than that because anything more would be spoilery. 

🢚 Romero from the Dead Things series by Martina McAtee

My non-spoilery note on Romero: He is a dog that was raised from the dead by a necromancer. Being raised from the dead doesn't bring back your decomposed parts though, so he was appropriately named Romero in honor of George A. Romero, director of the Night of the Living Dead movies. 

🢚 Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy by Marvel Comics

I think that most everyone knows who Rocket Raccoon is now because of the most recent Marvel movies. I've always loved how snarky Rocket is and he is also pretty much a genius. What's not to love?

🢚 Buttercup from The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins

Buttercup is the cat that belongs to Prim, Katnis's little sister. 

🢚 Morozova's Stag from the Shadow and Bone trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

Morozova's Stag is an ancient, magical, and powerful creature that is featured in children's stories and believed to be a legend. The stag is in fact real and plays a big part in the events of the series.

🢚 Old Lace from Runaways by Marvel Comics

Okay, who wouldn't love a pet dinosaur? Old Lace is a deinonychus, which was a dinosaur that was closely related to the velociraptor. 

🢚 Fleetfoot from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas

Fleetfoot is a dog that was given to the main character in the series.

What are some of your favorite animals from books? Feel free to leave the link to your Top Ten Tuesday post!


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