Title: The Rebels of Gold
Author: Elise Kova
Publisher: Keymaster Press
Published: December 5, 2017
Pages: 429
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Steampunk
Source: Ebook, Audiobook

A new rebellion rises from the still-smoldering remnants of the five guilds of Loom to stand against Dragon tyranny. Meanwhile, on Nova, those same Dragons fight amongst themselves, as age-old power struggles shift the political landscape in fateful and unexpected ways. Unlikely leaders vie for the opportunity to shape a new world order from the perfect clockwork designs of one temperamental engineer.
This is the final installment of USA Today bestselling author Elise Kova's Loom Saga, THE REBELS OF GOLD will reveal the fate of Loom's brilliantly contrasting world and its beloved inhabitants.
This is the final installment of USA Today bestselling author Elise Kova's Loom Saga, THE REBELS OF GOLD will reveal the fate of Loom's brilliantly contrasting world and its beloved inhabitants.
This review MAY contain SPOILERS. Read at your own risk.This book is hard for me to review. I enjoyed reading this, but I was not as invested in the story as I was during the first two books of the series. I am not sure what put a damper on my fulfillment this time around. I really can't fathom it because the book was overall satisfying and I cannot pinpoint any specific thing that I necessarily disliked.
The world building in this book was equally as vivid as the previous two books. Kova really can paint the most beautiful and realistic picture with mere words. It is one of the things that really drew me into this series. The world is so imaginative. There are different layers to the world building. I love the caste system and the two different races. The idea of chimeras and how they are made is compelling and original. I really love the whole idea behind the premise of this world and this story.
The plot was engaging enough, but it felt mildly dull around the three-quarter mark. Things picked back up and the ending was solid.
I felt like this book focused too much on Florence. Her character growth was astronomical and I loved every moment of it, but I felt like Arianna and Cvareh didn't get enough character growth. This may the reason why I wasn't as thrilled with this book as I thought I would be. Cvareh had some character growth, though not as much as I would have liked. Arianna's character felt extremely dulled to me in this book where she was more vibrant in the previous books. This may have been by design and not by fault, but I would have liked to see more from Arianna in the end.
The romance wasn't as intense as it was in the previous book. It felt very mild. I did love Florence's character growth in terms of romance. It was wonderful. Arianna and Cvareh's romance wasn't as riveting.
Overall, this book had a wonderful plot, exciting world, and likable characters. I wouldn't say that I was disappointed because I enjoyed the story, but I just think that I was expecting more. I would very much recommend this series to fantasy lovers. This world is incredibly unique and worth reading about. Elise Kova is one of my favorite authors and I am eager to read more of her work.
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