Title: Wires and Nerve, Volume 1
Series: Wires and Nerve #1Author: Marissa Meyer
Illustrator: Douglas Holgate
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Publication Date: January 31, 2017
Pages: 238
Genres: Graphic Novels, Young adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Source: Ebook

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When rogue packs of wolf-hybrid soldiers threaten the tenuous peace alliance between Earth and Luna, Iko takes it upon herself to hunt down the soldiers' leader. She is soon working with a handsome royal guard who forces her to question everything she knows about love, loyalty, and her own humanity. With appearances by Cinder and the rest of the Rampion crew, this is a must-have for fans of the series.
This review MAY contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.OMG, the stories in this graphic novel really made me want to reread the entire series! This series is so close to my heart and is one of my all-time favorite book series. It was nice to get close to these characters again, and I can't wait to read the next graphic novel in this series! I admit, this bland art style is not one of my favorite art styles, but it was nice actually seeing things unfold. This art is lovely in its own way, I just prefer colorful, more detailed art in my graphic novels and comics. Story-wise, I have to say that the "romantic tension" between Iko and Kinny was the best! OMG! The part where she describes how she is feeling when she looks at Kinny is great. I was totally fangirling about it. I thought that it was cute when Cress told her that her skin color looks red. =P I'm anticipating what could be contained in Garan's file for Iko.
Do you dabble in graphic novels or comics? If so, what are some of your favorites?
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