Monday, October 3, 2016

Blitz: The Faction Wars

The Faction Wars

Four factions.
Four deserving charities.
Tons of ways to earn points.
 Points you will earn for your faction and for yourself.
 Points you can redeem for swag and other cool prizes.
 And one person who will walk away with a grand prize which will include:

·         15 signed paperbacks
·         Book swag
·         $100 Book Depository Gift Card
·         A ‘walk-on’ role in Book 4 of my Dead Things Series representing your faction.

Each Factions Charity:


Getting Sorted into Your Factions
Step 1: Follow this link:
Step 2: Click the button that says Find Your Faction
Step 3: Take the Quiz or click on your Faction's Badge
Step 4: Read about your faction and scroll to the bottom and click Join your faction.
Step 5: Join The Faction Wars Event Page Here for Updates
Click Here to join today!


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Layout graphics by Fangirl Faction Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design